Category: Resources for Parents and Caregivers

Purple sunset with Teen Link logo and phone number 866-833-6546

Know this about Cannabis

Educational information for adults 21 and over about the risks, rules, and responsibilities of retail, or non-medical, cannabis use in Washington state.

Locks Save Lives

Locks Save Lives Logo

A collection of materials where folks can learn more about the importance of locking up prescription medications.

Youth Now

Youth Now Logo

Offers resources, campaigns, research and other supports for youth, parents, educators and providers.

Start Talking Now

Start Talking Now Logo

Conversation guides, drug and alcohol facts, and resource materials for parents and caregivers to help address underage marijuana and alcohol use.

Prevention Works in Seattle

Prevention wins

Resources to help prevent underage drinking, substance abuse, and associated problems through education, advocacy, and networking.

Partnership for Drug-Free Kids

Partnership for Drug-Free Kids

National nonprofit committed to supporting the whole family, addressing every aspect of substance use – from prevention to recovery.

King County Public Health

King County Logo

Youth marijuana and vaping prevention resources and guides for parents and caregivers.


Changes Parent Support Network

A peer-led program that provides support to parents struggling with children who are engaging in self-destructive behaviors.

National Institute on Drug Abuse

NIDA for Teens Logo

Get information to help you talk with your teens about drugs and their effects, and learn where to go to get help.

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